Internal Medicine

Welcome to the department of Internal Medicine at NU- Sudan

Internal medicine department is the most demanding clinical department, concerned about prevention, detection and treatment of varieties of diseases in adults .

Applying scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment and care of adults across spectrum from health to complex illnesses.

Interior doctors rely on using laboratory results to diagnose diseases in adults, both in chronic and acute illnesses. Enjoy complex problems solving and working with mind, with long term doctor – patient relationship, focusing of being a front line of medicine, and acting as a head of medical team care ..


The courses

Internal medicine department is responsible for teaching the ba63

. sic clinical skills in semester seven for 4th year st0udents, by lectures and practical sessions, using volunteer normal subjects and in next semester, advanced clinical skills using real patients in the hospital, plus lectures of the tropical diseases

In the 5th year, the students also take lectures and practical sessions in psychiatry and dermatology as important sub specialties

For 6th year final MBBS students lectures, tutorials and seminars will continue for the most important diseases including tropical diseases, acute illnesses and communication skills and counseling, plus practical sessions in the hospitals, with the emphasis on diagnosis and approved treatment protocols in the management of inpatients and outpatients.

